
Russell Flint

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russell flint original watercolour mull russell flint original watercolour pont du gard russell flint original watercolour compiegne russell flint original red chalk cecilia russell flint original nude drawing russell flint original nude 1 drawing sold Sold sold sold russellflint cecilia's new dress drawing red chalk russell flint original watercolour angouleme

sir william russell flint morning gossip original watercolour painting
Original watercolour Painting

Three years later he was offered the prestigeous position of President for "The Royal Society of Painters in Watercolour",
and throughout 1940-45, Sir William and Sybylle Flint made their home on a poultry farm in Devon.
Having been in the Royal Air Force, Russell Flint could be permitted access to Devonport Dockyard,(this scene was published by Flint,
and was critically acclaimed as a painting with wonderful perspective) and work, to his heart's content.